Thursday, April 21, 2011

Stain Removers

We all fight stains - in clothes, furniture, flooring, etc... and most stains fall into four categories: food, dirt, grease, and unknown.  A few simple general rules to follow:

* Try and get to a spill immediately.  The sooner you get to a spill, the less time you will have to spend on the stain removal.
* Give the treatment time to work. The stain needs time to be broken down.
* Make sure to blot at the stain rather than rub - it will reduce the fraying of the material.
* NEVER use any heat on the stain.  Not even hot water.  Heat sets stains.

For Brightening Laundry:
My brightening tools work for almost any white or light color clothes.  Borax, Oxygen Bleach (oxyclean, ajax), vinegar, and baking soda.  In my white load I use vinegar instead of bleach - 1:1 ratio switch, and I use oxygen bleach.  If there are bad odors or I really have issues with dingy gray clothing I use 1/2 C. baking soda and once my load fills I add 1 C. vinegar.  Borax and the oxygen bleach (at least so far) have been interchangeable. 

For slow drains:
Once the water has receded pour 1/2 C. baking soda down drain followed by 1 C. vinegar, continue pouring small amounts of vinegar down the drain until it stops bubbling.  Wait 15 minutes.  Pour a gallon of boiling water down drain.  Wait 15 minutes.  Pour another gallon of boiling water down drain. 

General stain removal:
I use borax and the oxygen bleach in water for almost all my stains.  We also have club soda in the house for fresh food stains. 

Here is a great grid to swap out chemicals for natural products:
I have heard my grandmother talk about using glycerin.  Here is a recipe for stain removal:
Another recommendation from my grandmother was hydrogen Peroxide:
This post breaks out the stains by type and provides direction for each:
I like this one as she posts other ideas from people around the world:

I hope you find what you need... blessings - E

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