Saturday, April 23, 2011

Healing after Surgery

There are many challenges to surgery.  It is best that one strengthen their immune system prior to surgery so that they are able to heal faster after.  Drink LOTS of water.  Your body will be inundated with poisons during surgery - anesthesia is one of the harshest chemicals you can give your body and it takes a while to get it fully out of your system.  Your body is weakened during surgery and needs to rebuild its strength.  Certain foods will help and others will hurt your recovery.

Colloidal Silver and Honey are your natural antibiotics.  Begin a colloidal silver regiment one week prior to surgery and continue for ten days after surgery.  Honey should also be started a week prior to surgery and continued for thirty days after surgery. 

Garlic / Green and White Tea are your high antioxidants.  White tea has higher amounts of the antioxidants you want than Green.  3 - 4 cups of either tea daily is recommended.  As for the garlic - if you are not one to like the taste of garlic in your food, take garlic capsules (follow box instructions). 

Water..water..water...water... got it yet?  Remember that both ingestion of enough water daily and using it to soothe your body while bathing is essential.

Vitamins A, B, C, K - These vitamins help with immune system and cellular regrowth - make sure you are getting plenty in your foods - and if you are weak in diet for these specific vitamins ensure that you are getting them through supplements... yes, I am recommending supplements if you can't get them through foods as these are critical to rebuilding and strengthening your body after surgery.

Recommended reading:
Recommended reading:

Blessings... E

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