Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Strong Hair & Nails

Strong hair and nails is a byproduct of a good diet.  So let's take a look at some symptoms and potential causes, along with what foods will help strengthen both.  We aren't going to talk about the most common issues like excessive coloring, but rather the medical and natural cures.

Let's start with standard practices for hair and nails.  Most stylists will recommend that you wash your hair with shampoo no more than three times a week.  Washing your hair more than that strips it of its natural oils that help protect the shaft.  Use as few "products" on your hair as possible and naturally let your hair dry as often as you can.  When it comes to nail care, you should be pushing back your cuticles weekly, and keeping your nails smooth and free from tears so that you do not get ingrown nails and hang nails.  Do not cut your nails to short nor let them grow too long. 

Brittle Hair - Hair that breaks easily can be for a variety of reasons - Deficiency in Biotin, Selenium, Copper, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Iodine, Manganese, Omegas, and Iron.  Medical issues - Hypothyroidism, Hypoparathyroidism, Anorexia Nervosa, Trichorrhexis Nodosa.

Hair Loss - As above there are many potential reasons for hair loss.  Stress is one of the major contributors to the problem.  During an excessively stressful period in your life (divorce, death in family, major illness, surgery, loss of job, failed relationship) you may experience hair loss for up to 6 - 9 months AFTER you have recovered from the situation.  Heredity is also a major contributor.  Medicines can cause hair loss, including - blood thinners, gout medicine, high blood pressure medicine, birth control pills, antidepressants, and heart medication. 

Recommended Reading: http://www.hairlosshelp.com/hair_loss_research/hairloss_causes.cfm
More recommended reading: http://www.medicinenet.com/hair_loss/article.htm

Dry Hair - The issues with dry hair are the same as for brittle hair.  The most common issue is over washing, over drying, over "product" usage, over heating.  Give your hair a break!

Dandruff - There are a whole host of potential issues related to dandruff.  Some are potentially serious and should be taken care of as soon as possible.  http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/dandruff/DS00456/DSECTION=causes
Recommended reading: http://www.hairboutique.com/tips/tip1003.htm
More recommended reading: http://www.fitsugar.com/8-Foods-Strengthen-Your-Hair-2851545

Your nails can tell a LOT about your health.  You are not allowed to wear nail polish when you are going to be put under for surgery because it is the fastest way to see if you are getting enough oxygen - your nails tell a lot more about you than you think... read the recommended reading section below...

Brittle Nails - Brittle nails and brittle hair have the same possible vitamin difficencies.  Menopause also tends to make nails brittle as you are losing some of your hormones.  Also, subjecting your nails over and over to water or harsh chemicals does have consequences.  Use rubber gloves!

RECOMMENDED READING: http://www.essortment.com/fingernails-nutrition-48320.html
More recommended reading: http://www.home-remedies-for-you.com/vitamins/vitamin-deficiency/nails.html

Ridges on Nails - iron deficiency, poor absorption of nutrients.

White marks in Nails - zinc deficiency

How to reduce hair loss?  Eat enough protein - this does NOT mean meat.  It means a proper variety of natural protein - fish, nuts, seeds, dark green vegetables, meat.  Drink sufficient amounts of water - water removes toxins from the body that can affect any part of your body.  Brush your hair / massage your scalp daily - your hair follicles need stimulation to produce and spread the natural oils.  I remember my grandmother telling me 100 strokes a night... I guess there was a good reason!  Avocado, avocado, avocado!  The natural oils in avocados are fabulous for both hair and nails.  I recommend one a day. 

Foods to build strong hair and nails - The omegas are necessary for both healthy hair and nails - salmon, tuna, nuts all are high in omegas.  Vitamin C, E, B complex, A - make sure you are eating a very well rounded diet - full of color.  Protein is necessary for strong hair and nails as they consist primarily of excess protein.  Legumes - they have several benefits to your hair and nails beyond protein they also have iron, zinc and biotin. 

Recommended reading: http://www.ehow.com/how_2563_improve-hair-nails.html

Blessings.. E

Monday, May 30, 2011

A Healthy Immune System

Your immune system is a very delicately balanced, fine-tuned process.  If you do not have a strong immune system, you are more likely to be someone that will be prone to chronic disease.  Whether that means things like chronic flu, colds and bronchitis or more serious ailments like cancer depends on how weak and compromised your immune system is.  If you are chronically ill, you need to take a step back and determine what is causing the weakness in your immune system and correct it.

There are foods and lifestyles that boost your immune system and those that break down your immune system.  Let's look at the negatives first.

Alcohol - anything in excess is bad for the body.  A cup of wine every now and then is good for the body since it has many good enzymes in it.  However, the high carbs and high sugars (in certain alcohols) are damaging to the body.  They overload the liver and make it difficult for the white blood cells to kill germs in the body.
Sugar - we just had a discussion about good sugars and bad sugars.  White refined sugar taxes the body in general.  8T or the equivalent of 2 sodas suppress the immune system and cause the liver to go into over drive.  In addition, it reduces the ability of the white blood cells to do their job by as much as 40%.  Do you want 40% of the germs in your body to thrive? 
Food Allergens - most of us don't realize that we have food allergies until they slap us in the face.  If you have issues with indigestion, bloating, cramping, constipation, or diarrhea - you have a food allergy.  Food allergies or sensitivities cause problems with your immune system because your white blood cells begin destroying good things.  Your body is thrown into chaos and begins destroying itself.
Fat - again we are back to excess.  Eating excessive amounts of fried foods, fatty foods, and the wrong type of fats reduces the ability of the white blood cells to do their job.  Again, reducing their ability to destroy germs.
Prescription Drugs - again... excess.  If you are chronically ill, you probably have filled your body with antibiotics that actually weaken your natural immune system.  An example - when you get stung by a bee or mosquito, your body immediately sends histamine to the site.  It doesn't send histamine to your entire body - JUST to the part of your body that was stung.  When you take a drug for an illness, it doesn't just go to fight the germs in the part of your body that is ill - it spreads throughout your body and not only kills germs, but kills the white blood cells that are naturally fighting the illness as well.

So, basically our "standard bad foods" are the ones you need to reduce or remove from your diet.  Now, onto the good foods and healthy lifestyles.

Vitamins C, B, & E all help strengthen your immune system.  They each have a separate function but together they build strong cell walls, increase the reproduction of white blood cells, and enhance their germ fighting capabilities. 
Cartenoids are found in orange fruits and vegetables as well as some green vegetables including spinach and kale.  They are very important in the germ fighting capabilities of your white blood cells.  They also promote cell communication necessary for fighting proper germs.
Bioflavenoids protect the cell structure from environmental toxins, hence increasing the strength of the cellular wall. 
Garlic enhances the multiplicity of germ fighting cells and increases the efficiency of the same cells.
Selenium boosts cancer fighting capabilities of the body.
Omegas - The Omegas are the essential oils necessary for your body to function properly.  They enhance the white blood cells capability to destroy germs.

As for the lifestyle, you need to remain active.  Even when you are not feeling well, it is vital for you to get at least 30 minutes of sunshine and at least 30 minutes of activity daily.  Both of these build up your tolerance and a stronger physical body promotes a stronger immune system.

Here's to a healthier stronger you!  Blessings... E

Sunday, May 29, 2011


There are days that I just can't seem to get off my soap box... and today is one of them.  I watch TV very rarely because it irritates me.  The media that fills our heads with lies and the commercials that turn people into lemmings are just horrid!  I can't stress enough the need for everyone to read all the labels - ask the "why" questions - and question recommendations that come with fine print. 

I want to discuss sugar since there are so many commercials out there that do not give you the full story on your sweeteners.  We have discussed artificial sweeteners - specifically aspartame in a previous post so will not be rehashing that one here.  So let's get to it...

Honey - again we have discussed this in previous posts, but it is important for you to know that you should be consuming at least a teaspoon of honey each day.  Honey has already been broken down by the bees that create it and so of all the sweeteners out there it is the easiest for humans to digest.  In addition it is an anti-bacterial, an anti-fungal and an anti-viral. So taking a teaspoon of it daily helps keep your immune system strong.  Because bees go from flower to flower obtaining the nectar from the flowers - they also pick up the pollen from the trees, flowers, and grasses and this also finds its way into honey.  The traces of pollen when consumed help the body naturally fight allergies.  If you take that teaspoon of honey daily, you will find a dramatic decrease in your seasonal allergies (I tried it this year and am a believer!)  It is always best to get honey from your local beekeeper - not only are you getting the trace amounts of pollen from your local plants, but your beekeeper can offer you good advice with what kind of honey to take - do you like it strong? mild? etc.. Additionally, honey is known to react differently in your system than processed sugars - it has almost a 1:1 ratio between fructose and glucose - easier on the liver and for those with Diabetes that is very important. 

Recommended reading: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=96

Molasses - Molasses is a byproduct of the refining sugar process.  Molasses is very high in iron, manganese, calcium, and copper.  Think of it in terms of - what the refining process has removed from sugar is what makes up molasses.  People suffering from anemia would benefit greatly from two teaspoons of molasses a day.  People that are prone to osteoporosis would also benefit. 

Recommended reading: http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/molasses.html

Raw Sugar - Raw Sugar comes from the sugar cane plant and has not had all the minerals and vitamins processed out of it.  Therefore, it is better for you than the refined white sugar we find in the store.

Recommended reading: http://www.naturalorganiclifestyle.com/unrefined-raw-sugar.html

Brown Sugar - Brown sugar is about 1/2 way between raw and refined sugar.

Refined White Sugar - White sugar has not only had all of the beneficial minerals and vitamins removed but it also has some not so good things added to it, such as - Phosphoric Acid, Sulfer Dioxide, and Formic Acid.  You can read about each - not a good thing. 

Recommended reading: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/refined-sugar-the-sweetest-poison-of-all.html

We have been manipulated with all the processed foods around us to desire more, and more sweet things.  No other country (that I know of) eats as much sugar as Americans.  Once you move away from artificial sweeteners, and sweet things on a daily basis - you will find that you don't want so much sweetness.  The increase of diabetes and other sugar related diseases relates directly to the type and amount of sugar you are ingesting. 

So, stop listening to the commercials that tell you that "sugar is sugar" because there is a great difference between the types of sweeteners you choose to use. 

Blessings... E

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Foods You Should be Eating - Spinach

Spinach, Kale, Asparagus, and Broccoli are your green super vegetables.  Spinach is high in fiber, which means it is great for digestion.  It is high in favonoids, which are your cancer fighters.  Flavonoids flush toxins and free radicals from the body.  Spinach is high in a wide range of antioxidants - vitamin C, Selenium, beta carotene, vitamin E, manganese, and zinc among them.  It is an anti-inflammatory and fights high blood pressure.  Spinach is extremely high in vitamin K.  Vitamin K helps keep your bones strong by preventing the excessive activation of osteoplasts - which break down bone cells.  Vitamin K also helps support a healthy nervous system. 

Recommended reading: http://www.livestrong.com/article/2700-facts-health-benefits-spinach/
More recommended reading: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=43

When eating your green vegetables you should either eat them fresh - as in a salad.  Or eat them lightly steamed or stir fried.  You can tell when you have cooked them a proper amount as their color will "brighten."  You will find me many times telling you to cook something until it turns bright - and this is what I mean.  I was not a spinach fan as a child.  I had only had it cooked - and I am not a fan of slimy food.  I love it in a spinach and artichoke dip and quiche but that is about it for cooked spinach.  I LOVE it in my salads - and mix it in with all my herbs when I build one.  I also love a feta cheese, cilantro, avocado, and spinach quesadilla... mmmm...

Spinach & Frisée Salad with Tangerines & Coriander-Crusted Scallops - http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/scallop_tangerine_salad.html
Spinach & Sun-Dried Tomato Stuffed Pizza - http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/spinach_tomato_stuffed_pizza.html
Loaded Chicken Pasta Salad - http://www.favediets.com/Deli-Salads/Loaded-Chicken-Pasta-Salad#
Spinach recipe site - http://www.spinach-recipes.com/

Enjoy!!  Blessings... E

Friday, May 27, 2011

Foods You Should be Eating - Blueberries

Blueberries are one of the fruits highest in antioxidants.  High in vitamin C, B complex, vitamin E, vitamin A, copper, iron, zinc, and selenium - you can't get much more from such a tiny berry.  Blueberries are known as one of your super fruits with good reason.  With such a high amount of antioxidants they fight heart disease, lower cholesterol levels, cleanse the body of free radicals and toxins, fight cancer / tumors / disease in general, they boost your immune system, raise your metabolism, balance out your weight, cleanse your urinary tract / kidneys, strengthens your mind / memory, helps you sleep better, improves vision, reduces depression, aids in proper digestion... and the list goes on and on... blueberries are a benefit to almost every major organ in your body.  1/2 a cup a day will impart wonderful benefits. 

Recommended reading: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=8
more recommended reading: http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/blueberries-nutritious-things-come-in-small-packages_

I could eat blueberries until I burst, but neither of my daughters are very keen on the fruit - so I mix them in with their smoothies.  During the hot summer months, a smoothie is usually our evening experiment.  Whatever fruit is in the refrigerator is brought out and blended together - I don't peel (other than citrus) and I don't worry about things that have a "skin" to them - like grapes and blueberries... the skin of your fruits and vegetables carry the most nutritional goodness - don't ever peel things that don't need to be peeled.  We use almond milk and / or frozen yogurt along with some frozen fruit or ice cubes.  Add a little basil to your smoothies to give it a different flavor... or fresh mint... you should be daily consuming some fresh herbs along with your fruits and vegetables.

Another favorite for me are blueberry scones... mmmm... here is a good recipe:

Blueberry Scones:
2 cups unbleached flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons raw sugar / brown sugar
5 tablespoons unsalted butter, cold, cut in chunks
1 cup almond milk
1 cup fresh blueberries
1 teaspoon pure vanilla
Lemon Glaze:
1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 cups confectioners' sugar, sifted
1 lemon, zest finely grated
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
Sift together the dry ingredients; the flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Using 2 forks or a pastry blender, cut in the butter to coat the pieces with the flour. The mixture should look like coarse crumbs. Make a well in the center and pour in the heavy cream. Fold everything together just to incorporate; do not overwork the dough. Fold the blueberries into the batter. Take care not to mash or bruise the blueberries because their strong color will bleed into the dough.
Press the dough out on a lightly floured surface into a rectangle about 12 by 3 by 1 1/4 inches. Cut the rectangle in 1/2 then cut the pieces in 1/2 again, giving you 4 (3-inch) squares. Cut the squares in 1/2 on a diagonal to give you the classic triangle shape. Place the scones on an ungreased cookie sheet and brush the tops with a little heavy cream. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until beautiful and brown. Let the scones cool a bit before you apply the glaze.
Technically you should make this simple lemon glaze in a double boiler (i.e. over a pot of simmering water with a heatproof bowl set on top) but it's even simpler to zap it in the microwave. Mix the lemon juice and confectioners' sugar together in a microwave-safe bowl. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Add the lemon zest and butter. Nuke it for 30 seconds on high. Whisk the glaze to smooth out any lumps, then drizzle the glaze over the top of the scones. Let it set a minute before serving.
Enjoy!!  Blessings... E

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Foods You Should be Eating - Dark Chocolate

Good Morning!!  I hope you have had a wonderful start to your day!  :)  Most everyone I know (but not all) LOVE chocolate.  It is a girl's best friend after a breakup (endorphins producing byproduct in chocolate is a mental stimulant), and her worst enemy if she has acne.  What other things should one know about dark chocolate?

What is the difference between bitter / dark / milk chocolate / white chocolate?  The darker the chocolate the more antioxidants (boost heart health, cellular health, skin health, and immune system health) and the less sugar / milk.  Milk Chocolate is what most Americans are accustomed to, but in Asia and Europe darker chocolate is the standard.  As I have moved towards a more vegetarian / less processed diet, I find that what I thought was bitter (dark chocolate) is quite sweet to me now.  White chocolate while made from cocoa butter does not contain the darker colored solids that house all the antioxidants - so don't think that you are getting all the benefits of "chocolate" if you are eating WHITE chocolate.  On the flip side - white chocolate has only trace amounts of caffeine. 

We talk a lot about eating lots of foods with Antioxidants without really digging into the WHY of it... so just to ensure we are all on the same page... Antioxidants destroy free radicals, purge our body of toxins, and boost cellular health and overall immune health.  So, in the simplest of terms, eating foods high in Antioxidants reduces your chances for getting cancer, heart disease, and any other potentially deadly disease.  Dark fruits and dark green vegetables are the best sources for Antioxidants.  There are a wide range of different Antioxidants in foods and so getting a good mix of colors is vital.

Dark chocolate has a high amount of the Antioxidant substances called Polyphenols which helps reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.  It is rich in minerals - copper and magnesium.  With two types of flavonoids, dark chocolate is an immune booster.  A strong immune system means that your body will naturally fight illness.  Dark chocolate also helps lower cholesterol levels.  It also has lots of seratonin which will also fight depression.  And finally, dark chocolate helps fight diabetes. 

So, I am here to tell you that eating DARK chocolate is VERY good for your health!! 

Recommended Reading: http://www.allchocolate.com/health/basics/
More recommended reading: http://www.dark-chocolate-antioxidant.com/

There are some wonderful new (at least to me) chocoates out there that are organic and in many different flavors... one of my favorite is with cayenne and cinnamon.... mmm... you get heat and spice together.  Check out these great bars...

Green & Black's organic chocolate: http://www.greenandblacks.com/
Dagoba organic chocolate: http://www.dagobachocolate.com/products.asp
Vivani organic chocolate: http://www.vivani.de/P_Product_range_USA.html
Endangered Species organic chocolate: http://chocolatebar.com/categories.php?category=Chocolate-Bars-%26-Treats/3oz.-All%252dNatural-Bars
Chuao chocolate: http://store.nexternal.com/chuao/chocolate-bars-c5.aspx

Enjoy!!  Blessings... E

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dandelions and Weeds

Hello All,
I have had several questions about dandelions and weeds in yards now that spring has arrived most everywhere in the US.  Dandelions and weeds grow best in a low calcium high magnesium environment.  If you do not compost your yard - or it doesn't breakdown things quickly and reabsorb them - you may see an increase in weeds - specifically dandelions.  While dandelions are GREAT as an herb - they are a pain to get rid of and multiply faster than bunnies! 

A couple working suggestions - spray your dandelions with vinegar.  The acidity in vinegar will kill most weeds.  If you have loads and loads, this probably isn't the best solution.  Composting is also a good solution - compost before winter will help with the following spring's bout of weeds... but this doesn't help this year's growth, eh?  You can also use a lime calcitrate spread on your yard to reduce the number of weeds... here are a couple links to review with some really good information.

Recommended Reading: http://www.safelawns.org/blog/index.php/2010/11/guest-blog-to-reduce-weeds-and-improve-lawn-apply-calcium/
More Recommended Reading: http://organicgardening.about.com/od/weeds/p/dandelions.htm
More Recommended Reading: http://www.lawncare.net/attack-of-the-lawn-weeds/

As far as the BENEFITS of dandelions - yes there are quite a few.  Dandelion leaves are great in salads.  They have a slightly peppery flavor and most all parts of the dandelion are beneficial.  Dandelion has a whole host of benefits - diuretic, cleanses the digestive / urinary tracts, purifies the blood, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, cures anemia, clears skin, reduces indigestion and acid reflux, and lowers cholesterol levels - AMONG others. 

Recommended Reading: http://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/herbs-and-spices/health-benefits-of-dandelion.html
More Recommended Reading: http://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-dandelion.html

And here is a good salad recipe for dandelion leaves - honestly, I LOVE herb salads better than any other type - there are so many different textures and flavors that each bite is a new discovery - dandelion leaves are a perfect addition to that mix.  Now, please be careful - do not use any dandelion leaves from a yard that has had pesticides / herbicides sprayed on them - as you will be ingesting those chemicals through the greens.  Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/dandelion-salad/Detail.aspx

Enjoy!  Blessings ... E

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Foods You Should be Eating - Grapefruit

Good Morning!  It feels sooo good to be back!  I hope you enjoy the posts - I would love to hear from you... feel free to post comments. We are still working on the list of foods that you should all be eating on a regular basis.  I have tried to stay very well rounded - fruits, vegetables, meat, herbs... there are essential foods from every single group - every color.. we could discuss them for quite some time. :) 

Grapefruit was very popular back in the 80s... and kind of fell off, which is a shame because they have so many health benefits.  One of the most important is that they contain enzymes called "monoterpenes" which clean the body of toxins and carcinogens (cancer causing agents). 

Grapefruit is high in vitamin C, fiber, bioflavonoids (fights cancer and strengthens immune system), and calcium. It fights fatigue, fever, the flu, indigestion, insomnia, diabetes, constipation, arthritis, and UTIs.  It also raises metabolism, is an antiseptic, boosts liver function, breaks down gall stones, and promotes healthy clearer skin. 

Recommended Reading: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=25
More Recommended Reading: http://hubpages.com/hub/Health_Benefits_of_Grapefruit

One of my favorite fruits is Mango, but I do love ruby red grapefruit as well... and when you add them both to a salad with avocado... mmm... Try this one: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Mango-Orange-Grapefruit-Avocado-and-Pistachio-Salad/Detail.aspx

Enjoy!  Blessings... E

Monday, May 23, 2011

Foods You Should be Eating - Cinnamon

Hello All!  I apologize for not being able to post for the last couple weeks.  I have been very busy with both work and home. 

I was working on a series of "foods you should be eating" when I left.  And want to finish this segment... so on to Cinnamon.  Cinnamon has so many health benefits, even if you don't like it - you should find some way to incorporate it into your regular foods. 

Cinnamon is a warming herb - this means that it heats up the body and helps "cold conditions" such as skin, heart (and circulatory), and arthritic and rheumatic problems.  Cinnamon is commonly used for digestive problems and diabetes, but it can also be used to help lower cholesterol, reduce the spread of cancer / leukemia, strengthen the memory and cognitive functions of the brain.  When added to foods, it is a natural preservative and inhibits the growth of bacteria (including eColi). 

Cinnamon is also a great source of Manganese, iron, fiber, and calcium.  PLEASE NOTE: A person can overdose with cinnamon.  Persons suffering from diabetes need to read the interactions with cinnamon and ensure that they are taking proper amounts. 

Cinnamon stick is also used instead of moth balls to keep away moths and other insects. 

Recommended Reading: http://www.monumentalmassage.com/articles/benefits_of_cinnamon.html
More Recommended Reading: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=68
More Recommended Reading: http://ezinearticles.com/?25-Health-Benefits-of-Cinnamon---A-Miraculous-Spice&id=1665340

We talked about Quinoa also as a food you should be eating... and any fruit is good for you.. so here is a cinnamon quinoa recipe for you to try: http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/warm-and-nutty-cinnamon-quinoa-recipe.html

Glad to be back!  Hope you enjoy!!  Blessings... E