When we start wanting to feel better - lose weight - get healthy, we automatically start thinking DIETs. This has been reinforced by advertising companies all over the world. We hear constantly about the stars that are on Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers... know that these are only money making schemes. All these people look great - it isn't just from the change in their "dieting" menu but they also work out very hard to fit into those outfits! You need to break that marketing and very unhealthy thought process. DIETs are BAD!
Instead of the idea - "I need to go on a diet," you need to be thinking "I need to change my life." You need to change the way you look at food, you need to change the way you use food, you need to change the way you eat your food, you need to change the way you schedule your meals. While there are many of us (yes, I am a guilty one too) that use food when we are depressed, or bored, or needy... while there are many of us that LOVE food - we need to take a healthy approach to our eating.
But before we look at each of those, I want to address these seemingly healthy diet fads and begin to change the way you view them. We need a very well rounded color palate in our menu. You need to eat foods of all colors - each and every type of fruit / vegetable / grain / seed has a benefit. The word "diet" in our times reflects restricting your food intake for a short amount of time. Basically taking away what you WANT to eat for a short amount of time until your goal has been met. And then what? You go right back to that bad way of eating and looking at food and gain all the weight back - sometimes more. Why? Because you have not changed the way you look at food.
There are several diets out there that appear to be good for you - but they are not. Again, it is a fad and there are issues with any system that is called a diet. The RAW food diet is one of the worst perpetrators. It sounds great, but what it doesn't share is the fact that our bodies have a hard time processing ONLY raw vegetables. Lightly steamed or stir fried vegetables break them down just enough to make them easier to digest. Fully cooked vegetables tend to strip all the nutrients from our foods - only steam / stirfry your vegetables until "bright" - meaning until they turn bright green.
How do I look at food? Do I use it as a crutch when I am sad, depressed, lonely, bored? Do I eat until I can't stop? Do I crave only bad food and give in to those cravings? Figure out your unhealthy attitude and work on changing it.
How do I use food? Food should be viewed as a great tasting energy source. The less energy you burn, the less food you should take in. If you are fighting these things you need to make a change in your life. When you are bored or depressed, force yourself to go out and go for a walk BEFORE you grab that chocolate bar. Drink a full glass of water, or a cup of tea BEFORE you grab those chips. And why do you have those things in your house anyway? If you have an addictive personality - GET THEM OUT! Don't let them be a temptation at midnight - I can hear that ice cream calling my name!!
How do I eat my food? You didn't think this was going to be so complicated did you. :) Pay attention to how you eat. Do you drink liquids with your meals? Do you eat fast? Do you interact with others (if you live with others) when you eat? Do you sit at a table together or do you sit in front of the TV? Meal times should be a HAPPY time. A time to catch up with family members. This does several things. You should have a positive feeling when you eat. This helps your digestive tract work better - more in harmony with your body. It also slows down how much you ingest and you will get to a comfortably full sensation and stop eating long before someone that eats very fast and then feels over stuffed. Do not drink during meals. Either drink before or after. The beverage will fill you up faster and you will be hungry sooner than if you wait until after your meals to drink your beverages. Eating in front of the TV is VERY unhealthy. You continue to eat long beyond the time you are full. You should eat slowly, and get to a comfortably full sensation.
How much do I eat and how often? For anyone that has been told from birth that you MUST finish everything on your plate, I HIGHLY recommend that you get some smaller plates. No joke. You should eat a well rounded meal containing protein (doesn't always mean meat / eggs), fruits, vegetables. One meal should contain grains / seeds / nuts. I eat only one primary meal at mid-day and I eat my fruit in the morning, and my vegetables / nuts in the evening. I only eat meat once a week and typically it is fish. I eat my protein in my nuts / grains / seeds / dark green leafy vegetables. I consume no dairy products; instead I use almond milk and goat cheese - if I want / crave any dairy type product (which is very rare). Every person is different - some people feel that they MUST have lots of meat. These people should be VERY active and eat only very lean meat products. Some people love eggs and dairy. These people too should be very active and watch how much they consume daily.
Food can be the enemy... but when broken down, it is we that are the enemy and we need to change our views on food... use it to your benefit. Blessings!
Instead of the idea - "I need to go on a diet," you need to be thinking "I need to change my life." You need to change the way you look at food, you need to change the way you use food, you need to change the way you eat your food, you need to change the way you schedule your meals. While there are many of us (yes, I am a guilty one too) that use food when we are depressed, or bored, or needy... while there are many of us that LOVE food - we need to take a healthy approach to our eating.
But before we look at each of those, I want to address these seemingly healthy diet fads and begin to change the way you view them. We need a very well rounded color palate in our menu. You need to eat foods of all colors - each and every type of fruit / vegetable / grain / seed has a benefit. The word "diet" in our times reflects restricting your food intake for a short amount of time. Basically taking away what you WANT to eat for a short amount of time until your goal has been met. And then what? You go right back to that bad way of eating and looking at food and gain all the weight back - sometimes more. Why? Because you have not changed the way you look at food.
There are several diets out there that appear to be good for you - but they are not. Again, it is a fad and there are issues with any system that is called a diet. The RAW food diet is one of the worst perpetrators. It sounds great, but what it doesn't share is the fact that our bodies have a hard time processing ONLY raw vegetables. Lightly steamed or stir fried vegetables break them down just enough to make them easier to digest. Fully cooked vegetables tend to strip all the nutrients from our foods - only steam / stirfry your vegetables until "bright" - meaning until they turn bright green.
How do I look at food? Do I use it as a crutch when I am sad, depressed, lonely, bored? Do I eat until I can't stop? Do I crave only bad food and give in to those cravings? Figure out your unhealthy attitude and work on changing it.
How do I use food? Food should be viewed as a great tasting energy source. The less energy you burn, the less food you should take in. If you are fighting these things you need to make a change in your life. When you are bored or depressed, force yourself to go out and go for a walk BEFORE you grab that chocolate bar. Drink a full glass of water, or a cup of tea BEFORE you grab those chips. And why do you have those things in your house anyway? If you have an addictive personality - GET THEM OUT! Don't let them be a temptation at midnight - I can hear that ice cream calling my name!!
How do I eat my food? You didn't think this was going to be so complicated did you. :) Pay attention to how you eat. Do you drink liquids with your meals? Do you eat fast? Do you interact with others (if you live with others) when you eat? Do you sit at a table together or do you sit in front of the TV? Meal times should be a HAPPY time. A time to catch up with family members. This does several things. You should have a positive feeling when you eat. This helps your digestive tract work better - more in harmony with your body. It also slows down how much you ingest and you will get to a comfortably full sensation and stop eating long before someone that eats very fast and then feels over stuffed. Do not drink during meals. Either drink before or after. The beverage will fill you up faster and you will be hungry sooner than if you wait until after your meals to drink your beverages. Eating in front of the TV is VERY unhealthy. You continue to eat long beyond the time you are full. You should eat slowly, and get to a comfortably full sensation.
How much do I eat and how often? For anyone that has been told from birth that you MUST finish everything on your plate, I HIGHLY recommend that you get some smaller plates. No joke. You should eat a well rounded meal containing protein (doesn't always mean meat / eggs), fruits, vegetables. One meal should contain grains / seeds / nuts. I eat only one primary meal at mid-day and I eat my fruit in the morning, and my vegetables / nuts in the evening. I only eat meat once a week and typically it is fish. I eat my protein in my nuts / grains / seeds / dark green leafy vegetables. I consume no dairy products; instead I use almond milk and goat cheese - if I want / crave any dairy type product (which is very rare). Every person is different - some people feel that they MUST have lots of meat. These people should be VERY active and eat only very lean meat products. Some people love eggs and dairy. These people too should be very active and watch how much they consume daily.
Food can be the enemy... but when broken down, it is we that are the enemy and we need to change our views on food... use it to your benefit. Blessings!
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