We all breathe right? It is easy right? Breathe in.... Breathe out. Well... it is a little more complicated than that. Breathing techniques can help you relieve stress, reduce asthmatic attacks, heal you from allergies, live longer, reduce the chance of heart attacks, helps you center your body and release negative thoughts and energy, etc...
As a singer, we are taught HOW to breathe.. you can breathe through your nose or your mouth, from your throat, chest, diaphragm, toes, partially, deeply, aggressively, calmly, cooly... you name it there are many MANY different ways to breathe. The PROPER way, depends on what outcome you want to have. Here are some examples:
Strengthening Breathing - Doing strengthening breathing exercises will help expand the lung capacity you currently have - more capacity, better breathing - better brain power - more oxygen into your blood, muscles, etc... Oxygen helps you disperse toxins and grow good healthy cells. Asthmatics and people prone to lung infections (bronchitis, pneumonia, upper respiratory infections) all would benefit from strengthening breathing.
Recommended reading: http://www.funnyadult.net/breathing-exercises-%E2%80%93-improve-lungs-strengthening/
Diaphragmatic Breathing - This is concentrated breathing from your diaphragm. People with lung cancer, COPD, emphysema all could benefit from strengthening your diaphragm and this type of breathing that helps you force air out of your lungs.
Recommended reading: http://www.cchs.net/health/health-info/docs/2400/2409.asp?index=9445
Deep Breathing - Controlled deep breathing is most beneficial to people that are high strung, have high stress jobs, have a familial history of heart disease and / or stroke, and those that have high blood pressure. Controlled deep breathing allows you to focus your attention on how and when you breathe - it calms your mind and soothes your body. Ensure that when you are breathing in you think happy, beautiful, positive thoughts and as you breathe out you are releasing all negativity and tension.
Recommended reading: http://stress.about.com/od/breathingexercises/Breathing_Exercises_for_Stress_Management.htm
The list above is only a start... there are so many ways that breathing properly will help enhance your life. Here is another list with additional links to other types of breathing. http://healing.about.com/od/breathwork/Breathwork.htm
This is an AWESOME link on Why it is so important to breathe properly and how we are damaging our bodies with our breathing. http://www.holisticonline.com/yoga/hol_yoga_breathing_Importance.htm
If you have allergies, or are asthmatic and are working on changing your relationships (see post on Chakras) you may look to some herbs and specific foods to help alleviate the symptoms. Again, I caution you - PLEASE make sure that you read all you can on herbs before you start using them. http://www.livestrong.com/article/143453-herbal-remedies-breathing-problems/
Sit up! Take a deep breath - think a happy thought - and let your cares go! LIVE! Blessings! E
As a singer, we are taught HOW to breathe.. you can breathe through your nose or your mouth, from your throat, chest, diaphragm, toes, partially, deeply, aggressively, calmly, cooly... you name it there are many MANY different ways to breathe. The PROPER way, depends on what outcome you want to have. Here are some examples:
Strengthening Breathing - Doing strengthening breathing exercises will help expand the lung capacity you currently have - more capacity, better breathing - better brain power - more oxygen into your blood, muscles, etc... Oxygen helps you disperse toxins and grow good healthy cells. Asthmatics and people prone to lung infections (bronchitis, pneumonia, upper respiratory infections) all would benefit from strengthening breathing.
Recommended reading: http://www.funnyadult.net/breathing-exercises-%E2%80%93-improve-lungs-strengthening/
Diaphragmatic Breathing - This is concentrated breathing from your diaphragm. People with lung cancer, COPD, emphysema all could benefit from strengthening your diaphragm and this type of breathing that helps you force air out of your lungs.
Recommended reading: http://www.cchs.net/health/health-info/docs/2400/2409.asp?index=9445
Deep Breathing - Controlled deep breathing is most beneficial to people that are high strung, have high stress jobs, have a familial history of heart disease and / or stroke, and those that have high blood pressure. Controlled deep breathing allows you to focus your attention on how and when you breathe - it calms your mind and soothes your body. Ensure that when you are breathing in you think happy, beautiful, positive thoughts and as you breathe out you are releasing all negativity and tension.
Recommended reading: http://stress.about.com/od/breathingexercises/Breathing_Exercises_for_Stress_Management.htm
The list above is only a start... there are so many ways that breathing properly will help enhance your life. Here is another list with additional links to other types of breathing. http://healing.about.com/od/breathwork/Breathwork.htm
This is an AWESOME link on Why it is so important to breathe properly and how we are damaging our bodies with our breathing. http://www.holisticonline.com/yoga/hol_yoga_breathing_Importance.htm
If you have allergies, or are asthmatic and are working on changing your relationships (see post on Chakras) you may look to some herbs and specific foods to help alleviate the symptoms. Again, I caution you - PLEASE make sure that you read all you can on herbs before you start using them. http://www.livestrong.com/article/143453-herbal-remedies-breathing-problems/
Sit up! Take a deep breath - think a happy thought - and let your cares go! LIVE! Blessings! E
From T: Thanks! I'm gonna look through a couple links. My breathing (allergies/asthma) has already improved with extra EFA's and vitamin D. :-)