Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's the Cause - 5?

So... we have discussed in four posts about the foods that affect illnesses... now we need to discuss other possibilities.  We have touched lightly on how thoughts affect your body, but we need to go a little deeper.

People with positive outlook on life live longer.
People that think in positive terms rather than negative have healthier bodies
People that think positively have far fewer debilitating illnesses / diseases
Positive people are far less likely to have a fatal disease

As we discussed previously, there are three pillars of Naturopathy - Diet, Exercise, and Mental Well Being.  One thing you may not like to hear - you will need to come to terms with - We cause our own illnesses with our thoughts.  OUCH!  I don't like the idea of me thinking myself sick.  How about you?  But this message has a positive one too - We can heal those illnesses with our thoughts.  Ok!  That is easier to take - but is it any easier to live? 

We discussed Chakras in a previous post - and I gave one example from Dr. Christiane Northrup's book "The Wisdom of Menopause."  I was blown away when I realized that my issues with my relationships was the cause of my female reproductive organs... and that if I had dealt with those issues as a teen and early adult - I never would have had to have a hysterectomy.  I had caused all my pain and suffering by not listening to what my body was telling me... all those warning signs... I thought it was "just me."  Never once did I think that I was in control. 

I am not going to give you the technical names of each Chakra - go out on line if you are interested to get more details - for our lesson, we don't need the formal names.  The Chakras are numbered 1 - 7 from base of spine to top of head.

7th Chakra (Crown) is the top most Chakra and can affect any organ in the body.  This Chakra's emotional connection is with things we can not control and things that must be accepted without a visual connection (God, life's purpose, the bigger picture). 

6th Chakra (Third Eye) is between your eyes and affects the head (eyes, ears, nose, brain).  This Chakra's emotional connection is with perception, morality, and thoughts. 

5th Chakra (Throat) sits at the base of your throat and affects that general area and also includes your mouth, neck vertebrae, and thyroid.  Communication, timing and will power are all connected with this Chakra.

4th Chakra (Heart) sits between your breasts and affects your organs in this general area as well as, upper esophagus, diaphragm, and your blood vessels.  This Chakra's emotional connection is with emotional expression and relationships.

3rd Chakra (Plexis) sits in the center of your chest and affects your abdomen, upper intestines, liver, gall bladder, lower esophagus, stomach, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, and middle spine.  Self-esteem, personal power, responsibilities, addictions, and a need for power and success are all related to this Chakra.

2nd Chakra (Sacral) sits in the lower abdomen basically where a woman's uterus sits and affects all male / female sex organs, large intestine, lower vertebrae, pelvis, appendix, and bladder.  Personal power, limitations / boundaries in relationships, independence, creativity, money, power, sex, and personal responsibilities in relationships are all related to this Chakra.

1st Chakra (Root) sits at the base of the spine and affects all muscles and bones, the spine, blood and immune system.  Safety / Security, trust, fear, independence are all related to this Chakra.

Take a look at your life and your chronic or repetitive ailments - where do they fall?  Do you have any of the emotional baggage that contributes to that illness?  Take them seriously and resolve your issues. 

Let's take a positive step towards a longer HEALTHIER life together!!

1 comment:

  1. Q: Ok, so break this down with me...I have 1st chakra issues? I have had allergies all my life and recently had to get an inhaler for asthma. I really want off the inhaler but my inability ti breathe was so bad I didn't have a choice at the time. So what should I be doing?
    A: Not only 1st but 4th as well... putting it in the most basic terms - if the issues you are having are more related to emotional issues rather than dietary / environmental / exercise ... you must deal with those issues to put your body back in proper alignment. Deal with the emotional issues related to that particular chakra. With asthmatics - it is usually a combination and tends to be more environmental than emotional - but all facets need to be taken into consideration.
