Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Foods You Should be Eating - Grapefruit

Good Morning!  It feels sooo good to be back!  I hope you enjoy the posts - I would love to hear from you... feel free to post comments. We are still working on the list of foods that you should all be eating on a regular basis.  I have tried to stay very well rounded - fruits, vegetables, meat, herbs... there are essential foods from every single group - every color.. we could discuss them for quite some time. :) 

Grapefruit was very popular back in the 80s... and kind of fell off, which is a shame because they have so many health benefits.  One of the most important is that they contain enzymes called "monoterpenes" which clean the body of toxins and carcinogens (cancer causing agents). 

Grapefruit is high in vitamin C, fiber, bioflavonoids (fights cancer and strengthens immune system), and calcium. It fights fatigue, fever, the flu, indigestion, insomnia, diabetes, constipation, arthritis, and UTIs.  It also raises metabolism, is an antiseptic, boosts liver function, breaks down gall stones, and promotes healthy clearer skin. 

Recommended Reading: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=25
More Recommended Reading: http://hubpages.com/hub/Health_Benefits_of_Grapefruit

One of my favorite fruits is Mango, but I do love ruby red grapefruit as well... and when you add them both to a salad with avocado... mmm... Try this one: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Mango-Orange-Grapefruit-Avocado-and-Pistachio-Salad/Detail.aspx

Enjoy!  Blessings... E

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